Welcome to the Brace Yourself Games Wiki. We've created this space so that everyone can have a place to share information with the larger community about our games. We're just getting this off the ground so things are going to be in flux for a bit. Please read the rules before
As you post and share your work on this wiki, please be mindful of the following:
Disruptive and NSFW content is prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) spam, swears, slurs, hate speech, harassment, insults, witch-hunting, impersonation, pornography, etc. If you have to ask if something is NSFW, the answer is generally 'yes'. Take care to avoid this inappropriate content in your usernames, profile pictures, and the media you share.
Advertising and external links are prohibited unless explicitly allowed by a staff member. We've set up an ad-free space where the community can share its content and build a beautiful knowledge-base for our games, let's keep it clean and non-commercialized.
Be mindful of pages and their uses. Please read the page descriptions prior to adding new pages or making edits to existing ones.
Be cautious about introducing discussions pertaining to gender, sexuality, religion, politics or race. These topics quickly turn into heated debates that generally do not belong on this wiki.
We have a zero-tolerance approach to illegal activity. We take immediate action against actions like hacking, doxxing, pirating etc., including content removal and banning users.
IMPORTANT FOR EDITORS: Please select "Visual Editor" when creating New Pages. This is the most easily accessible way to edit pages, and will allow the broadest number of fans to make edits easily. Once a page is created, the editing method cannot be changed, so help us keep this consistent.
Use Visual Editor for most New Pages, unless you have a very good reason for using another one.
Breaking these rules will result in warnings and bans. If you feel you are being targeted, harassed or made to feel uncomfortable in any way, please message @ModMail on our Discord about the situation and a moderator will take appropriate action. If you have an urgent matter, please email us at [email protected].