This is an official reference page. If you encounter inaccuracies or would like to expand the page, please message the developers in the #phantom-modding channel on BYG Discord.
Please refer to the Brace Yourself Games Mod Policy & Guidelines.
Mods released for Phantom Brigade should adhere to additional guidelines:
- Mods with bundled dependencies or packs must document what they contain, including their author, license, version and link to the original work, in the download and in the download location.
- All mods that execute code in order to function (patches to game source code, additional code, plugins etc.) must have their source code be made publicly available. This can be done by creating a public repository on platforms such as GitHub and linking this repository in the mod description. Including the source code in the plugin download also satisfies this requirement.
- Code mods must not:
- Do not modify, create or edit files outside of AppData/Local/PhantomBrigade/Mods.
- Do not contact another network or computer system without explicit user permission.
- Do not access or create any processes outside of the Phantom Brigade runtime